Steaz..My new favorite drink!

Blueberry Pomegranate ($1.59)

So standing in line at Wholefoods the other day ( which I’ve done a million times before) I saw a new drink staring at me from the drink cooler not far from the line…”Zero Calorie” caught my eye so I had to check it out ( because really who isn’t interested in zero calorie???) Steaz is a health company manufacturing organic micro- brewed tea…and now ZERO CALORIE Steaz. which was named the “Best New Organic Beverage”. The zero calorie line has a few different flavors like : raspberry, orange, black cherry, and my personal favorite blueberry

Orange ($1.59)

pomegranate ( Im drinking one now:D). This 12 fl oz. drink is brewed with sparkling green tea, has 120 mg of antioxidants, and full of B Vitamins and is sweetened naturally with stevia.. I know some of you are rolling your eyes ( calorie free cannot taste good!..oh it can).. This is my favorite drink and definitely worth a try! I found my steaz at Wholefoods in NYC, but they can most likely be found at any health food store !!  Cheers!


Peace, Love, and Vegan Drinks,


Steaz Sparkling: